Re-Find Therapy, P.L.L.C. opens in Waxahachie, Texas with personalized care and flexible hours

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A new counseling center has opened in Waxahachie. 

Located at 613 Ferris Avenue Suite 103, Re-Find Therapy P.L.L.C. provides services for those who are 16 years and older and seek help with mental health therapy. 

The counseling center is owned and operated by RoseAnn Rodriguez and Kathleen Denison. Among their qualifications, RoseAnn has a Master of Education degree and Kathleen has a Master of Science degree; both are experienced counselors who have fulfilled the state requirements for education, training and supervised practice to become licensed professional counselors through the Texas Behavioral Health Executive Council.

A photo of RoseAnn Rodriguez
RoseAnn Rodriguez is a licensed professional counselor and co-owner of Re-Find Therapy, P.L.L.C. in Waxahachie, Texas.

RoseAnn specializes in attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (A.D.H.D.), anxiety, life transitions and relationship issues. Kathleen specializes in trauma, post-traumatic stress disorder (P.T.S.D.), personality disorders, and self-harm. Additionally, the two are licensed to treat a wide range of mental health concerns, from depression, mood disorders and addiction to matters related to domestic violence, sexual abuse, suicide ideation, gender identity, grief, and divorce. 

RoseAnn says that she and Kathleen have transitioned from working at larger counseling facilities to open their own practice so that they can give more attention to the needs of those who seek their help. Additionally, they offer greater flexibility for scheduling sessions in the evening and on the weekends for those who have difficulty with the standard work-week hours. 

“Our caseloads are smaller, and it gives us the opportunity to truly meet the client and give them what they need,” RoseAnn says. 

A photo of LPC Kathleen Denison
Kathleen Denison is a licensed professional counselor and co-owner of Re-Find Therapy, P.L.L.C. in Waxahachie, Texas

Because mental health issues cannot be directly observed like physical health disorders and diseases can, they often require intensive observation to distinguish between the nuances of similar issues.  

“When it comes to very common disorders such as anxiety, depression, A.D.H.D., they can also fall in order with some other mental health issues. They have very similar symptoms,” RoseAnn says. “And a lot of times people will say, I have depression, when it’s truly anxiety. Or [they’re] not understanding truly what these labels that are given for diagnosis mean. 

“We take the time and educate the clients on understanding, not just giving them coping skills to use, but helping them to understand truly what’s going on physically, mentally, and how that plays into their life.” 

RoseAnn says mental health concerns and physical health issues can be intertwined, so if warranted, she and Kathleen may recommend that a client seek the advice of a medical doctor for a routine examination. 

“It can be hormonal,” she adds. “If you found out that there’s some hormonal thing going on and maybe checking with your doctor to get your yearly exam and your blood work, because if there’s something off there, it can create anxiety; it can create depression and other types of mental health [issues] and so [we] just try to work with the client to truly figure out what’s going on.” 

RoseAnn says that she and Kathleen see clients from throughout the area, and for people who need a higher level of care, “we’re going to help get them the resources for that. That’s the extra step that we take.” 

Re-Find Therapy, P.L.L.C. may be contacted at phone#: 469-383-8590.

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